Campaign Furniture Designs for Seasonal Storage

  • Posted on: 19 March 2013
  • By: Jay Oyster

I was thinking. You know, with Chris Schwartz currently focusing on campaign furniture, it had me thinking about other, modern day uses for this kind of design ethos. My understanding of the style is that it is furniture designed of tough woods, but cut thinner than stationary furniture, so it won't be too heavy. It needs to be reinforced at the corners and the latches to withstand travel. It needs to provide compartments to efficiently store whatever the intended contents are. And for the lack of better word, it needs to 'transformerize' into a basic crate shape with handles, so it can be hauled to and fro.

It seems to me that there are other places in modern life where such a design philosophy might be useful. I think this particularly much whenever I gaze into the dusty, cobweb filled recesses of the attic at our house. You know . . . the corners, the ones holding the various boxes and cracked plastic bins stored in the attic or the basement, or that back closet that nobody ever ventures into for fear that they'll get lost and will never be heard from again . . . the place that for those piles of boxes and bins that need to be hauled out . . . every Christmas season.

So . . . as kind of an eigen-experiment, I've been ruminating about how one might design a campaign chest for Christmas tree decorations. And another just for wrapping paper and supplies. I think a well designed piece (or two) to accomplish these things could be hugely useful. And who knows, maybe I wouldn't have to replace as much broken stuff each year. I even have some ideas about how these could be done. I've got some of it on paper, but when to find the time to turn them into Sketchup files?