My Projects

My Projects

A listing of all of my woodworking projects. The things I've posted about most recently will show up at the top of this list. I'll attempt to backfill this list to include older work as I have time.

Small table for my father-in-law's TV electronics

Luis SatBox Table

Started on: 7/15/11
Last update: 9/5/12
This was actually my quickest full project ever. Yes, it's a small piece, without any real complications such as drawers or stretchers, but finishing something like this in less than a couple weeks is a major accomplishment for a hobbyist with a young family.  I started out trying to do a design in Sketchup. I did manage to...
Finished? Yes

Four Picture Frames for Mom's Needlepoint

Started on: 10/5/09
Last update: 9/5/12
In November 2009, I had promised my mother that I would frame a set of four of her needlepoint projects. She had fairly specific requirements: the frame should be simple, but provide a way to put glass in front of the picture, but the glass could NOT touch the picture. This was a challenge I enjoyed attacking. I created four frames,...
Finished? Yes
Hall table in the entry way of our house

Hall Table

Started on: 2/1/08
Last update: 9/5/12
My first piece of custom-designed furniture. A hall table with two drawers, mortise and tenon of aprons into square legs tapered on two sides. Body and legs are hard maple. Top is a center section made of forest green laminate over baltic birch plywood, with mitered cherry edge pieces fit on tongue and groove joints to the plywood. The...
Finished? Yes
Matched set of wooden earrings and pendant

2008 Series Wooden Jewelry

Started on: 10/1/08
Last update: 1/5/12
In late 2008, I tried my hand at making small pendants and earrings out of wood. I made a whole bunch of them. They turned out so well, I decided to do more, but aside from cutting them out, I have yet to finish the next series. Here are four or five of my favorites from that first series. These are of maple, cherry, african mahogany,...
Finished? Yes
Frame/holder for a pair of Guggenheim trivet tiles in spalted something

Guggenheim Trivet Tray Frame

Started on: 2/1/09
Last update: 1/3/12
I visited Bilbao, Spain in 2000, specifically to go see the new Bilbao Guggenheim art museum. (I was really into modern art at the time, and Frank Gehry's architecture was still a relatively new thing then.) I bought a couple of ceramic trivet trays as souvenirs. Unfortunately, one of them broke in my luggage coming home. The red one...
Finished? Yes
